[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Visiting Chart
Player Location Notes
BlueStorm Colony
Boss110 School
Cheeki Police Station
Firekitten Gas Station
H_Hja Library Supplies
Hippolytus Gas Station
Icibalus Library Supplies
Magnus Hospital Nurse; Double Supplies
NinjaPenguin Colony Because I feel like it
PokemonKidRyan Hospital I can run for supplies in case people get injured
Possessed Hospital
SirDerpsALot Supermarket
WazzaAzza Library Supplies
Zone_Q11 ???

--- --- ---

Locations Zombies Amount Players
Colony SAFE (2/22) NP, Blue
Hospital SOME (3/5) PKR, Poss, Magnus
Gas Station SOME (2/3) FK, Hippo
Police Station SOME (1/4) Cheeki
Supermarket MANY (1/4) Derps
School MANY (1/5) Boss
Library FEW (3/4) Wazza, Ici, Hja

--- --- ---

Reminder: This is an empty promise. Some people, whether they are town or scum, will deviate from this plan.
So… don’t be surprised if anyone goes anywhere else.
This is just done so that we have an overview at the generalized plan.

Why the hell are there only 2 people going to the Supermarket and the School? We either need more people to go there, or stay at the Colony. Remember! The more people go out, the more zombies there will be!

you forget that we have enough people to send people everywhere.
where to send people isnt much of a question, its where to send a lot of people

i’d appreciate just maybe one more person coming to police station aswell

wait you’re in this game what

Assuming nobody else goes out (and assuming I stay inside), we already have 11/22 people going outside. Remember: The more of us go out, the more zombies there are.

@SirDerpsAlot, I want you to go with @Boss110 to go to the School. Going alone to a place where many zombies are is literal suicide.

@Simon, I will repeat this again: The more people go out, the more zombies there are.
There are currently already 11/22 people planning to go outside. So: What will you do?

i pulled a sneaky on ya.
this is exactly my kind of game tho so im excited.
now hold on a bit while i read the 800 posts of backlog

I am fine with that



we need food.

Let’s just hope that Derps thinks the same, or else you might have to stay put in the Colony.

  1. You don’t necessarily need to get food from the Supermarket.
  2. @Boss110, are you fine with going to the Supermarket?

We need coordination, and I don’t want to sound stupid, but at this point, this game would be chaos without a coordinator like me.

It’s better for me to visit school, but I am fine with that too

Yeah i saw that

I a jace in my sideboard in my golos deck for exactly that.

we still have 34 hours to decide on a lynch btw

Lets thunderdome between poss and sulit everyone votes one of them and only the strongest will survive.

Thank you. I know that many people want to see the bus, but given the fact that there would be more zombies the more people are going out, I think we should wait until there are less zombies at the School. (Hopefully the amount goes down as time passes on.)

Visiting Chart
Player Location Notes
BlueStorm Colony
Boss110 Supermarket
Cheeki Police Station
Firekitten Gas Station
H_Hja Library Supplies
Hippolytus Gas Station
Icibalus Library Supplies
Magnus Hospital Nurse; Double Supplies
NinjaPenguin Colony Because I feel like it
PokemonKidRyan Hospital I can run for supplies in case people get injured
Possessed Hospital
SirDerpsALot Supermarket
WazzaAzza Library Supplies
Zone_Q11 ???

--- --- ---

Locations Zombies Amount Players
Colony SAFE (2/22) NP, Blue
Hospital SOME (3/5) PKR, Poss, Magnus
Gas Station SOME (2/3) FK, Hippo
Police Station SOME (1/4) Cheeki
Supermarket MANY (2/4) Derps, Boss
School MANY (0/5)
Library FEW (3/4) Wazza, Ici, Hja

--- --- ---

Reminder: This is an empty promise. Some people, whether they are town or scum, will deviate from this plan. So… don’t be surprised if anyone goes anywhere else.
This is just done so that we have an overview at the generalized plan.

well, it’s not like the gas can get to the bus in one cycle, better to be safe and grab supplies than risk it or no reason.
next cycle we should get at least 3 people to the school though

impossible to spread out. assuming we leave the colony empty theres a maximum of 3 areas without full population

this is suspicious. traitors most likely arent that high of a fraction here. otherwise it would be a traitor win when they get majority, rather than a doomsday clock.
although i will say the presence of the doomsday clock makes the zombies more of a neutral factor, as their kills dont directly help the traitors

i think it went from some to many. i believe

i think its more likely that they just wouldnt be as great of a constructor as they claim and build a shit greenhouse, wasting time. i doubt its a traitorous gambit

are you kidding? with the right tools scrap can be used to defend a location better, possibly build weapons, and a whole host of other things

ah, nevermind then you good

scrap can probably be found anywhere. i think that all locations would be able to find certain universal materials, with some locations tending to have focuses on certain items.

suspicious on zone for this for reasons that im not saying aloud.

what does up the stakes mean here? no idea what your talking about. also, we kinda have to fight them zombo bomb eaters (get it? because they crave minds

its roleplaying only in that it has open-ended actions. other than that it is an fm, even if it has pretty weird mechanics

we need to kill zombies still because if we dont then they will become a bigger threat than the traitors, given time. their numbers keep growing, and unless culled they can grow out of control

sorry mate. mechanics is my focus, especially in a game like this. yall can scumread if you want but im not that good at it and i feel my skills are better at surviving via mechanics

this. i doubt the traitors need to survive to win. they just need to outlast us.

okay i need to actually start doing stuff, so i really dont have time to get through 700 posts of backlog while actually responding. ill skim it later on, but can someone just let me know if anything important happened from 285 till now please?

i will say im going out.
not saying where though.
if you want to find out, tell me where you’re going
i will say that there is a defined location and reasoning, so im not going to change my answer based on yours