[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Cheeki’s willing to risk themselves and go with my risky firing squad plan just to help town

@Htm, if you think that I am scum because I gave a wall post, then whether you are town or scum, I suggest you prepare yourself to be tunneled all the way until you’re dead.

Stop. Reacting. To. Early. D1. Posts.

I don’t know, but if you keep shading me, then I can easily see why.

Give me one reason to why you are voting me that isn’t sheeping.

If you do I will unvote.

I’m not even pushing you.

Htm, if Cheeki is a sheep, then he’d be voting FK a long time ago. (With the exception if both of them are scum, but I trust Cheeki more than I trust you.)

No, but you are making me uncomfortable by reacting to my posts without any content.

I’m just lazy to read a wall post.

Then just don’t react to it at all…

i’ve been observing the thunderdome between you and FK. you come off as legitimate scum to me. someone else (i think hippo) gave the perfect analogy for it. a flaming car crash lol

Give me a post that makes you feel that.

Funny story when you have FK on scumread and Das on scumlean while Htm on null a couple of hours ago.

Idk how you think that me saying “we can make reads D1” is me shading you.

@people do you think that me saying this is = to me shading Zone.

just going to bring up one point first. you care so much about affirming yourself to the rest of town ‘I AM NOT SCUM’. christ it might the most common phrase by you. you haven’t really tried to solve anything, You are so conscious of your town game and it screams scum to me.
You haven’t given a single read besides your flimsy ass OMGUS vote on me. And regarding mechanics, you haven’t helped basically at all except some nothing posts.

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yeah sorry about that spreadsheet, i forget about it alot

Fair enough /unvote

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It makes me look dumb. Plus, it is a reaction to the past, when everything most things are different than now.

No problem. Just don’t forget to update it. Kinda weird when you suddenly jump from “null” to “more scummy than FK”.


First off, the reason I have given basically no read is because I’m getting accused like every second while I try to read the 1000+ posts to make reads.

Also I dunno too much about mechanics due to my class, what do you want me to do? I have tried my best to help with the locations though which you can see in my earlier posts…

This is a fair reason. This happened as I have no clue on how to defend myself from “meta” accusations as any faction. As apparently self meta means nothing and thus I can’t use it to defend myself.

All I could do was just non stop say this, but you are def right. It’s scummy.

If you want me to give reads before I supposedly die, leave me to do them.