FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

@Soulshade55r I think they attacked frost N1

firekitten is funny

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maybe I’m just Ofer thinking this

youre 100% overthinking it

How did I flip assassin then lol

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I’m having trouble and it’s ironic

okay i gtg

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This is where the mm is in

Kitten,it’s ezreal

Hang ezflaw first

I’ll never spell it correct

Now I am not the only one who you can’t spell correct

Its ez+real(just ignore the ofLaw part)

How do you spell H_H tho

It’s supposed to be spacebar but you can’t do that in names

@Soulshade55r this is the final list sorry for pinging you so much, this will bring you victory I think

I found a way how to determine kings aligment based on statistic of my games

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personally I just use a rng to read everyone but that may just be me


King is always opposite aligment of mine if I am scum king is town if I am town king is scum