FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat


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Working on getting this removed for a bit now


Math,get the memo,convert is allways lastā€¦

Imagine magical barrier happening after conversion

So basically giving occ/deb Inmunity

and makes you immune to being framed

wow didnā€™t actually suspect them to be the mm


Also I think frost slipped

Investigatives arenā€™t told if they were occupied, they were told sometbing prevented them from doing their action


meh I give up trying to Salavage the game for evils, what happened was the stars aliigning. To be honest faking being a good king even when you are flipped evil king isnā€™t that hard. I was trying to figure out if baz or cupcake was the mm and thatā€™s why I kept flip flopping on my read of them. I figured out that the way cupcake went from you are a scorned to reaction test was kind of suspicious which made me realize. Someone had to have told them that as they are new and wouldnā€™t have figured that out. This game was an absolute train wreck for evils with the assassin bleeding me D1 then meteor reaction testing his mm without telling them beforehand, as soon as I saw cupcake slip I knew I had to do something to fix this which was to basically make everyone forget cupcake ever slipped or acted like that but of course meteor had to reaction test his own mastermind without telling them before hand what was going on.

But can I just say how I felt like I was the only evil actually playing the game even though. Warlock literally outted himself and then the two dead scum outted the warlock in the dead chat which was stupid. Evils didnā€™t push for anything thereā€™s no wonder why they lost. Isaac didnā€™t at all do anything strategical, he could have killed the king and had a butler deathnote to confirm himself. I feel like possessor is basically hard countered by priest and thatā€™s why we should make people defiled not be able to talk in the dead chat. Bleeds D1 shouldnā€™t be a thing either. After this post Iā€™m going to act like Iā€™m a good king even when the mod reveals my true flip because why not. Also meteor for some reason gave up on his hunter claim for ???.

@Emilia on a side note now that this is done I can actually talk to you more about what I meant on power wolfing, king is an excellent class to power wolf as if you arenā€™t bleed D1. If I stayed alive I would have been able to mislynch 2-3 BD probably due to being so trusted for lynching meteor. As well, if you noticed my reasoning for pushing meteor was so BS. Honestly, people saying BD should have a defense to being pushed is precisely the reason why I said that new players will probably just follow you if you try to lynch someone with enough confidence, they donā€™t actually know how to read people and will just follow people who seem to have arguments.

also Isaac you are a awful liar

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what did I lie about

you switching your tone was so unnatural

yea I hate being evil

not that, talking about dead chat here

my mind goes yeet when I am evil