FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

I know maths favorite number cause I asked him

July 20th

3.14 i think thats what he said

MathBlade surprisingly told me his favorite number was 5 (I thought it would be 3.14 something I was confuzzled)

not actually his favorite number

whats ur favorite number

Just 3. 2 is just a bad number and 4 is unlucky don’t ask I’m strange

youre not strange at all my favorite number is 31 for some reason

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I’m just going to post memes now

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everything other than 31 is bad

50 is good too

He also once spectated a flipless game with me to see VCA, different site though and not going to say the name

Remember having a long and depth conversation about colors with soul as well, his favorite color was grey

one of the pictures was this lmao

I did talk with them

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: did you ask if they understood what you were about to do

This is sad

It’s not sad, I expect at least hopefully one mislynch before this game ends

already found the assassin anyway

Speaking of mislybchws I once talked to celeste about how they are mislynched a lot