FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

Nah I’m pretty sure unseen killed me.

why would i lie im already dead

I wish there was a mute button tbh

@Emilia lets play tictactoe before BD wins

why wouldn’t you lie

Helping out scum?

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also I’m confirmed to be defiled due to your death

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Isaac lets play tictactoe

You still have a effect on the game I’d be doing the same thing to confuse people as NK.

if i win ur a noob

If you are revived I want you to help me act my wishes

firekitten was bd lmao

i would listen to firekitten soul

If math doesn’t wolf tomorrow hang them

but that’s only because i want bd to win

I’m your brother after all, yeah I had drinking problems cuz I failed college but I’ll follow under your foot steps

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why do I feel like Isaac did something evil

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Lets play,just copypaste and add x

Can we not play tic tac toe

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fight me