FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

Looking through classes to see who can do that

Lol ur EK.

Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses”

@Solic can possessor use this on king

That’s not even how I write

I don’t even use # a lot

I can leave a message for alchi to the priest when they out I’m just meer angel who watches over you.

hold on I’m going to see who would write like that

U died by bleed EK

Ask mechanical questions in classcard.

  1. Meteoro Lynched Day 2, The Assassin
  2. Margaret
  3. Priestess
  4. Soulshade55r Died Night 2, The Drunk
  5. CuteAlch
  6. Frostwolf
  7. H_Hjasik Died Night 1, The Assassin
  8. Maxwell
  9. Alice
  10. Mathblade
  11. Firekitten Died Night 2, The Evil King
  12. DatBird
  13. Cupcakeaj2
  14. Ezrealoflaw
  15. Isaac
  16. Bazinga

Honestly the only person I can see doing this is mathblade

Want to play tictactoe?

But I’m not EK

If I was EK I wouldn’t have gotten you hung, I would have gotten Isaac hung under the assumption that cupcake slipped and that Isaac was the assassin

Accuses the Hunter “Who is SF” of being poss LOL

What if MathBlade made hjaisk appear as assassin so he can say he beared

SF doesn’t prove he’s not possessor, it means he isn’t converted

@alice ask MathBlade to bleed someone tomorrow

Didn’t he kill hja(no DN tho)

That’s why I’m saying he possessed h_hjaisk and made him appear as assassin, let’s say MathBlade is hunter. Where tf is the second kill? Assassin would attack MathBlade and that means nk attacked who? The only thing I can think of is math is actually nk

If poss killed you Who killed soul?