FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

Inb4 you being all bd apart from one fool.

It’s interesting how Flips can change your view on someone

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honestly I was thinking of making a game with a mortician and a one shot disguiser mafia and make the game flipless but I feel like evils would crush the game always then

because I’m like sure evils are crushing this if someone doesn’t stop them

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But it’s reasonable for me to have my doubts but also take what you guys say, hopefully Alice will decide to see that there are many possible situations of each flip

soul look me in my virtual eyes

I’m not lying

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Very true I’m pretty confused right now so I guess evils are doing there job well

I wanna trust you but you understand its hard to.

What where your actions BTW?

N1 I sweared math and N2 I guarded him

Would explain you dying if I was ek I’d personally be more selfish with my guards.

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Meaning, if he can bleed someone he’s proven to not be evil. However if he can’t he’s possessor

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Hopefully we can discuss this with the priest tonight it will be interesting to see there thoughts.

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I have an interesting tinfoil of maraget being devil

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why the heck did the possessor target someone bleeding

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Also did everyone legit forget about what cupcake did yesterday

Why aren’t they dead

If Alice wants to revive me, I can keep them quiet of course and put out what we discussed but I’m thinking it depends on how Alice wants to play, reviving me would be a safe play but a less of a reward.

I’d bring these points up.

I’m thinking it’s likely a poss game considering the double death. You’d know that for sure,but it would be a great play diguse you and cause less trust on you

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Actually that’s a genius idea if Alice revives you you can just say everything and they can say nothing.

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I just realized drunk is a little underpowered

maybe a one shot make yourself immune to any attacks redirected tonight day Ability but you won’t be aware of being immune

It’s a good theory, of course if someone more useful gets lynched tonight they can do the exact same thing

But Drunk imo is a very useful late game class

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At this rate I kind of think frost acting this ignorant is town like