Yeah I know
I’ll claim parity cop with compat check you+hja when there are more people on
Got it
Im thinking about distracting kitten so he cant grand jury and if scum he signals
Im not surviving this,tempted to try a TWTBAW defense
Tried to distract kitten, couldn’t
@cupcakeaj2 i want your opinion,my plan to survive(even throught I’m prob dying) is claiming hunter while softing Prince,“outting” as Prince after a hunter CC or if i consider It best,if a Prince ccs I’ll distract incase people pardon so im exed by prince
Sorry for being an useless idiot
Prob killer
Hes hunter
Foresight math,if he’s convertible kitten is EK
Why tf would I foresight him
Eh whatever, what have I got to lose
/foresight Math
Well this game is over with, thanks for the loss pal
Wanna bleed someone?
/d4 bleed margaret
/N4 KILL Alice