FoL 22 - Dead Chat

:eyes: So you yolo shot me

Yeah, he should have died n2 as I used the Mithrasā€™ Curse on him.

I mean, who did you aim for?

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She was redirected.

Considering how you were just talking about wanting to help neutrals out and wanted the Prince to execute the player who I was correctly townreading, I really thought youā€™d flip groupscum with Poss after that ā€œI want poss alive even if he could be evilā€ comment.

:smiley: Because I would make that so obvious

Nah, classic CS Prince meme

sips tea.

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Alice are there 2 or 1 cult now?

So you Eagle Shot Priestess and got redirected to her? Thatā€™s really funny.

Dunno. Since thereā€™s no dead interaction anymore, Baz tried to convert Frost last night.

Looks like the convert worked.

Iā€™m assuming that went through, we donā€™t really have anyone who could have prevented it and Frost is still alive.

If only Andrej wasnā€™t disguised ;-;
I coulda healed you Arete.

On the plus side, that means they didnā€™t try to convert Gikkle, so thereā€™s still a chance of them getting in some CSes. If itā€™s not Devout king we have a chance.

If it was Devout he woulda guarded Alice most likely.

Yeah, so HTM is probably a GK.

Iā€™m placing my bets right now that Neutral killer is going to win.

HTM GK, that canā€™t be

Like I was convinced he was evil D1

Which NK did Noz roll?

And heā€™s kind of outed for not dying last night.