FoL 22 - Dead Chat

They can talk here

Most of my abilities resolve around talking to dead. Thatā€™s Social af.

But Priest was always supportā€¦

Noooo, was she?

:eyes: That might be an oversight.


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Black Rose, hella old video.

You changed the class type, but not the class type of the cult convert

Yep, wiki says Priest was Support

I always thought Priest was Social. Well not like it matters now.

Retired Classes page is a blessing

Whoever decided to make it deserves a :cookie:

@Andrej can you tell me your actual class and what you did N1, if you did something?

All I know is if you donā€™t get info, youā€™re obviously fake priest

Not much I can do if heā€™s AFK 24/7.

I mean I guess Chrono but who knows what they did

Well yea, Iā€™m mostly interested in the n1.

Well for that, shrugs

@Solic when should I remove myself from this chat?

You wonā€™t need to. :confused:

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