FoL 22 - Dead Chat

But look at the first post of this (if that’s legal for me to say)

Thats a Solic question


:smiley: Oh great reaper, we need your wisdom

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That’s correct.

So as far as I know, only Priest/Soulcatcher can enter deadchat.

Soulcatcher can’t spawn though

That’s basically why I suspect Mincinmind or Kape having killed me.

I think its an attempt to shift blame. Arete has been on her case early for some reason, hinting he’s either the Drunk or Invest who nightactioned Alice.

You did a good job of not looking towny though which is strange of you to die. It makes sense you were Prince, but I didn’t think you immediately were Prince.

I think Alice is the type to be able to find you Prince, though.

Alice can’t really read me. There is only one player in this game I am expecting to know me well enough to be able to read me.

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Oh Kape. Hmm. You might be on to something.

I would never :slight_smile:

Is this true or just a guess?

Also I was thinking Priestess was an Offensive class… so I was half-right at least.
And I had Possessed as an Invest which I guess Noble can be called one.

Priest btw if you didn’t notice.

Its a guess because I was under the impression that Priest(ess) could talk in day Dead chat.

I was coaxing people to pick set targets so I can get some confirms. I DID get one; Alice was investigated AND redirected.