FoL 22 - Dead Chat

Cult can’t win in either

Yeah scorned kinda ruined it

He stuck with the Baz mark.

You guys should of just never started to sus my obvious evilness so Lauchpad could be targeted by more people :slight_smile:

Why the Alice convert btw? SPC? She was acting weird D1 honestly.

Baz wanted it

So she was what, hunter?

I was thinking of converting you but I didn’t feel sure enough of myself

She was the archer that killed the person N1

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Well good thing you didn’t lmao

Who was Alice’s original target?

:man_shrugging: I don’t know


Who was your original target?

Also I shall pray to Mithras that our final culty boi doesn’t get CSed :pray:

So I missed on Baz, technically missed on Alice, End we all basically hit, hit on Mincin but a lot of us did, missed on Kai on D1 but hit on revive and hit on Launchpad. Not terrible but not great :frowning: My only redeemer is the scorned deduction but Launchpad gave no fight so meh

Not enough people hit on Lauchpad

Only condition that happens is if Gikkle second guesses himself.

Also where the fuck is HTM? This has to be EK

Then why didn’t they up Kai

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Kai is likely not taking a chance on letting King live here. Frost will be CSed, King will be dead and you’ll have just noble and knight. I think NK wins if they are smart here.