FoL 22 - Dead Chat

Aka easy lynch. Does a Noble want an “easy lynch”? No…they want a questionable lynch.

Newb wolves do the complete opposite of bringing the thread’s attention onto themselves. See what Min was doing for reference.

In the universe where Jake was as suspected the starting MM, how would you have expected his posts to look different?

See Min’s posts. They’d try to blend in rather than stand out.

But you’re assuming ALL newbwolves are the same. That means any jerk new player can fuck up badly and players like you just…let them off the hook and accuse others who call out their mistakes? Uhh.

A jerk newbwolf would never put the attention onto themselves like that.

Believe me, I knew Mincin was typical newbwolf. I had him as scum in my logs. My point is not every new person will follow that newb wolf blueprint.

If I was town, I would of probably read Jake as LHF because I’ve played ToL games with him and know how he plays

EotW basically did, but he fake claimed Alch instead of BD. That means if there was any risk he was BD, you’d believe him to just be LHF.

My entire point is the idea that EotW and Jake had little separation from each other D1. All EotW had to do was fake a Drunk claim and his entire ISO goes into “LHF” category.

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I will also point out that it’s demonstrably possible to be newbtown and not have everyone read you as evil.

Well you proved that lmao. There was no way you were scum D1 and if you were…bravo.

Its dangerous though. I pointed it out before…you don’t want to be townlocked D1 because you’ll be on the Kill/Convert list.

Pretty much what happened to you in FoL20.

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Given that I’m dead, I can’t really dispute that.

Pretty much lol. I’ve been trying to tread the line because I want to ACTUALLY be able to play as town

Tbh, that’s kind of partly Hjasik’s fault. I asked them alongside other protectives to guard you n1 but for some reason they just kept guarding themselves despite that nobody attacks the King this early.

Their logic was nobody attacks newbie. They were wrong there, but I’d normally agree.

Still, there’s presumably some space between ‘locktown d1’ and ‘gets jailed over the person openwolfing.’

Yup, and that’s the line you gotta tread Arete. Don’t do what I did this game and make so many enemies.