FoL 22 - Dead Chat

honestly next time i roll an NK im going completely random with my kills, should be good fun to see people who over think things confused

Not good enough clearly lmao

Also word of advice from Solic. Dont claim knight as NK everyone does it and itā€™s too obvious

Change completely random to semi random and you got yourself a legit plan.

If Iā€™m not mistaken, Kai was checked K/O right? Could have went Archer but thatā€™s just as obvious

Solic said Butler because the occupiers would show on a noble check. Even though ya kill them

Butler not a bad claim too, just gotta dodge gossips yeah.

everyone expects a knight claim. therefore its the best claim to use as itā€™s so obvious, a NK wouldnā€™t use it

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Expect the Unexpected but get the expected

i firmly believe The most illogical move can sometimes be the most logical one

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also i sorta panicked sue me

I am the furthest thing from infallible

Knight is a weak claim as you eventually just die because CS
Archer works pretty good

For future reference I only BDsided because they played better than scum

if you had to rank each scum player what would it be

S tier - Memesky
A tier - Geyde
B tier - Baz (d1), Alice (n1)
C tier - Alice (d2), Kai, Mincinmind (d1)
D tier - Baz (d2/d3), EotW, Frost
F tier - Alice (d3), Mincinmind (d2)

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list is auto correct because Memesky is S tier

canā€™t disagree wtih it

Hippo canā€™t be scum because scum lost

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