FoL 22 - Dead Chat

That sounds like a plan and definitely confirms my slot, albeit makes me a good convert target if Andrej was actually Assassin.
You’re definitely a better player than me so getting you back should help our chances to win.

With Andrej AFKing in the thread we can definitely suspect a Scorned play because of the 2 deaths n1.

I wonder who checked and redirected Alice tho.

Its not legal for Andrej to communicate with his scumbuds if he is assassin, so I wouldn’t worry about that part. Either way I think you gotta out if you revive me eventually.

Arete off the bat was accusing Alice, which means they could have checked/redirected her. Could also indicate Arete was converted last night.

My reasons for Launchpad Scorned:

  1. Pushes with bad intent D1, looking to draw attention to a target in which he would frame.
  2. Andrej is a random player to bounty, and Nobles shouldn’t bounty D2 because you’re essentially hoping for a BD flip to confirm yourself.
  3. There were A LOT scummier bounties. Scorned needs BD only lynched, and Andrej was AFK.
  4. I believe Wazza is noble based on his posts. 3 nobles is unlikely.

Kai is likely the real assassin, but well see.
EotW likely NK. Lich would make sense because you can’t kill a Lich unless you kill the phylactory holders.
Alice I believe to be MM. Jake likely is the LHF BD and Alice wants to use that to look town.

Do you think Arete is converted? They claimed bleeding and I don’t think they would do that just after getting converted.

Totally forgot about Mincin. Mincin needs to be killed soon.

Minci gets bountied by Wazza.
I also think Wazza is a real Noble, that reaction is 100% Town.

In that case, Kai might have been scum bled and maybe Arete faked it?

I knew Wazza was noble since our last Scumgame he was gonna claim noble but claimed knight instead. He’s legit.

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Well we might be handing Launchpad a win since if he’s smart, he will mark Mincin and if Mincin is BD its free win.

Welp, :clap: to him if he gets the free win.

If both bleeds are legit I’m suspecting Baz to be Hunter. What do you think about that?

Yeah I find that reasonable. He’s trying to bait scum with a bear it seems.

Also I would like to know who investigated Alice since that’s a hard confirm for starting Town. Possibilities are:
Arete, but he wouldn’t push on her being Assa if he checked her
Minci, who said nothing all day
Gikkle, who is not saying enough for me to be certain.
Kai, who claims to visit Alice but was checked K/O and got forced to claiming Knight

Out of those I think Gikkle miiiight be our invest, but would be nice if Minci said anything.

Gikkle I think is the answer. I think Arete is the drunk.

Actually no. One of the two has to be Baz.

I’m gonna push for Gikkles N1 action.

Were also gonna play a game, Kape. Not outting my results until the time is right.

Alright, set my action to be channeling you.
Day ended at a horrible time for me, almost 4 am, so I might miss the first few hours of the day.

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Almost 10 my time…ill be in bed but ill do what I can. I wake up early for work so ill do my talking then.

@anon97870008 did Jake say anything important in jail?