FoL 25 - Dead Chat

Jgoes is the Sellsword

lul fucking rip

i had him in secret assasin PoE along with katze

but read them as “not asssasin”

Not like that mattered.

Seriously, SS practically did jack shit this game

lul at luxy randing sucmsided neut in the past 2 folds

Part of it wasn’t even their fault. There just weren’t that many Occ/Red immune BD

i think i played almost optimally

claiming was likely a misplay but i still won and still read all of my active heatheans d1

but i didn’t expect town to be dumbasses and fucking go all neut hate on me.

i expecge to be able to just sit back ad enjoy

but nooooooooooooooo

instead i had to solve the game for BD

and some of en wanted me dead anyways

im actually someonewaht glad that i got to solve like i did

because i think i actally read/solved well even if i didnt need ot

i mean at least i heretic-hunted well anyways

dat was hella obv heretic-archer and derps was pretty-obs heretic-whatever

i was gonna stab derps as chrono heretic even before zone outted them lulso

“marshal are you neut”

“do you happen to be inq”

“zone add me to royal chat i have info”

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tbf early i was sold on poss-uni mafteam

but i never voiced those opinions(as it was -ev to do so) and never got a chance to re-eval until i had to scumhunt.

but when i did i just found the mafia instead

so yw townies

fuck sorry for that acicendtal deadpost

meant to post that in GI thraed

I can’t even understand how you would make that Fuck-Up, Marshal.

i just swithced to the fol thread

but had a thought for the Gi one

and posted it not remembering im on the fol thread

it’s my b

but it had no game-relevance so at least i didn’t compromise integrity

ongoing game :eyes:

Marshal fucked up bad

How did you manage that now?

No but really, how?

it has no relevance to the “ongoing game” either as i posted it therehwen i meant too too.

but we can shut now