FoL 25 - Dead Chat



I was seriously going to CS Soul or Frost before I died but I made the mistake of pinging Frost D1.

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Whoever guesses all the Phaylscntesmasfdnueirt Holders get’s to ask and question and get an answer that’s correct.

(even if one of these losers have already stated)

By the Sellsword

By the Sellsword

All of these just apply to the Sellsword

…again, sellswo-

sir calm d-



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I mean.

Let’s look at the kills shall we.

  • Night 1:

Inquisitor kills DatBird
Assassin kills DatBird
Lich kills Possessed

  • Night 2:

Inquisitor kills Kai_5
Assassin kills Kai_5
Lich kills PoisonedSquid

…No no, I don’t agree.

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Inb4 dead Assassin kills Chrono


Just modkill all the bd lol

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ahahaha no

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Something Eevee isn’t considering:

Killing assassin eliminates Unseen

I seriously want to bitch slap eevee for being an idiot.

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Alright, let’s not insult players in this chat please

thank you

@Napoleon is the first odd-numbered person to die

Even gang boi

One is definitely Eevee.

Other probably dead, so I’m gonna say Kai.

Actually, judging by Frosts ISO it’s Eevee and SDA. What do I win @Wazza??

Both wrong.

Frost is the Lich though, right?

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