FoL 25 - Dead Chat

it’s my b

but it had no game-relevance so at least i didn’t compromise integrity

ongoing game :eyes:

Marshal fucked up bad

How did you manage that now?

No but really, how?

it has no relevance to the “ongoing game” either as i posted it therehwen i meant too too.

but we can shut now

not reading thread titles

also very tired

and some alcohol

Marshal has been Modkilled! They were:

also does my clascard have more posts than scumchat

i have a solid 90 posts in there lul

Yes, actually


omg LUL

i have more kills than unseen too

marshal his own scumfactio nconfirmed?

Yeah, actually, you do.

It’s called the Cult of Marshal, no?

lul i killed more people than the neutral killer and the unseen

and i solved more than the blue dragon

i fucking carried this for everybody wtf

Not if you combine the two totals. (4 v 2)

im not combining

but both NK and Bd killed 2

and i killed 3

and i solved the NK and assasin while town did shit

Who knew the BD killed 2 people

hosts did spec chat suspect me at all?

im itching for a good read of spechat

Spec chat has 25 posts


it has like 5 players thoiughtr >:(