FoL 27 - Dead Chat

someone hug me


So uh, pro tip. Don’t look up curious George porn


why did you look up Curious George porn

Also a reminder that this is a PG-13 forum

I’m talking to my friend on the phone and though abkut curious George then my kind went too rule 34 and I had no choice

this shouldnt be a necessary warning


despite my best efforts

I didn’t say anything not pg-13

ur weird

Don’t question my midnight brain

im questioning ur midnight brain

You won’t get any answers but fire away

why does your mind go to r34

I don’t know I really really don’t know

I’m a curious person

so am i

but thats not my first instinct when someone talks about a fucking cartoon monkey

Okay but like I’m not you

you should try to be me

i mean yeah theyre kinda right

too bad a priest doesnt exist

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Well I want to know