FoL 27 - Dead Chat

i think marshal/possed have good odds to tunnel alice to death today though

Arete may I kindly ask wtf was this class roll???

You mean to tell me, that you HONESTLY Rolled 4 BD killers, and only 1 fucking Investagator???

i mean

look at FoL26 (5 invests)

or SFoL58 (4 killers in a 16p)

I got the same fucking class as FoL 12?? This is fucking rigged af

observer/princess/maid/paladin/paladin for invests

butler for offensive

hunter for killer

mystic/noble for social

physician for support

true randomness may not always look random

but it is shrug

I mean but that is good for BD


i mean hunter isn’t really a vig

They can bleed and Kill if they get right target with HM

very conditional vig

FoL25 also had 4 BD Killers (knight/archer/hunter/hunter) but both the non-hunter ones dies n1 lol

I will honestly be shocked if BD wins this

fol24 had no healers except an alchemist

randomness is weird

  1. Marshal, the only fucking sane IGL is dead Tonight
  2. EVO and Vulgard are acting like fucking idiots
  3. All of the fucking investigators are dead

calling marshal sane is a stretch

prob not their best showings but i wouldnt go this far

EVO is acting like the fucking scummiest scum ever? Why tf would he not claim his TARGET for n1??? Wtf???

Everything Vulgard has said has been the exact opposite


if class rolls are done perfectly randomly (as they were here) it’s more likely than not that there will be some sort of skew

this rand isn’t even that skewed – like, we have four non-Prince BD killers, but we also have 3 non-Prince BD offensives and 3 non-Prince BD supports

Arete, we had 1 investigator

bad reads don’t mean you’re an idiot?

you don’t need invests to win games tho

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