FoL 27 - Dead Chat

the greenchecks in that game were incredibly valuable

it helped that it was a Cult game

When? Today?

And she did so pretty early in the day

They are gonna kill them for slanking

i mean one paladin got literally 0 info to be fair

and the other greenchecked the first paladin andā€¦ wazza?

yeah those were good checks

we ready

Katze when Chloe dies are you gonna shit talk the fuck out of them>?

also i got post 666
truly i am satanā€™s child

of course

mostly in discord probably

but theyll get memed here dont worry

I have no idea why people read me as scum XO

you were blatant town D1 imo

D2 was eh

the whole ā€œarrow vs bearā€ thing wasā€¦ kinda bad looking

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I fucking bled marshal tho

D2 Iā€™d read you as scum guaranteed

youd have died D1

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you know who else can bleed


assassin has bleed as well

yeah but demon/assa/cl can all bleed

that slip was pretty bad for you

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I was hella town d1 tho