FoL 27 - Dead Chat

makes sense to be fair

inoc saved king from poison in FoL25 too :eyes:


bounty highkey needs to be changed to where lynching the target is not the optimal play ten times out of ten

zone: grand trials eevee
eevee: inoculates zone

what a gamer relationship those two have

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So chloe just day occed alice

ā€¦day occ?

and notā€¦ the night one?



Arete asked her to verify and she said yes

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we have two Physicians

one inocā€™d him D1 and the other inocā€™d him D2

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Im fucking murdering EVO after this game


i get it, tbh? she probably thinks that the dayocc on italy was from MM

g a m e r

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Why the actual fuck did they not inoc the prince

Thatā€™s actually gamethrowing

Was EVO d2? I swear to god

Possed innoced Nappy before Italy claimed iirc

Myā€¦ Fuckingā€¦ God

But evo innocing nappy d2 is :eyes:

Wtf??? Is wrong with EVO???

Okay Iā€™m not doing VCs at midnight :upside_down_face:

if you nerds need me to do VCs im alright with that

Iā€™m tired and I wanna binge terraria ancients awakened tomorrow