FoL 27 - Dead Chat

i mean yeah

but like

imagine if i was alive, this could be at like 15k with how me and marshal talk to eachother

what are your opinions on how this game has gone, and the strength of new MM?

it has certainly been a game

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i donā€™t think i could have said it better myself

i mean

purely mechanically i still think new MM might be too strong

but socially this games been a mess and not only in the reads department, but like

a lot of hostility n shit :frowning:

isnt the dates here a bit potentially angleshooty


I donā€™t know either

itā€™s kinda angleshooty but not any angleshootier than ā€˜claim your logs right now because as a BD replacement you wonā€™t have to check chat to find out your night actionsā€™

This game is kinda fringey with angleshooting tbh

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mindmeld with amelia

might be a host or something

i mean between the basically-angleshooting and the toxicity

im kinda not mad i died n1 :eyes:


Makes me glad this wasnā€™t my first game here and FoL 26 was

Yeah, I can agree with that

fol26 was better cause i hosted :sunglasses:

I was a bit toxic but it was all toward chloe so it is fine

Does he not know he doesnā€™t have inoc?

Also @Amelia @Arete @Jane
someone needs to change the title


Ok wtf???