FoL 27 - Dead Chat

But I don’t see an unseen win (heh) because only ek

welcome, murderer of the neut sisters


Lol Yeah…

And I really thought unseen would take it
oh wait they probably would have if the replacements didn’t happen

vulgards complacency in outting his N1 empower could have cost BD the game

but DatBird turned EVOs slot around super hard

mods gay


@Marshal your becoming a mod on the server lmao

marshal gay marshal gay

what no

ami you have tried to turn me gay before but is this how you do it?

making me a mod, and consequentially, gay?

that’s twisted


What are you making marshal a mod on

The warroom

What’s that

a server which exists

dont join the server in amis profile btw

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too late

chloe lynching alice basically dooms them unless town becomes really stupid

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town has already decided Zone is lock-unconverted because there were two deaths