FoL 27 - Dead Chat

inb4 he does play it but rolls Unseen

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i hope he does

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He wants to watch you be a cute host

Basically he just wants to watch people

At first I thought this was about the Cult setup but that can’t be possible, right?


no, he wants to Observe people

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I mean
Unseen is one of the minority factions in it


ew why did i ever suggest this ability name

cult maj vs unseen + HoB + BD when

were you expecting another hand of byzantium

I know this doesn’t mean multiball.

But I hope it does.

If I made the setup a multiball
Oh my kills would come flooding, especially if certain converts happen

Ugh this game woulda been hella fun if kat lived

Not saying it wasnt fun
But it woulda been hella fun
I love my sister

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But if it was multiball there would be no neuts

I mean I’m not going to roll Neut anyway.

Who knows
Maybe you happen to roll one of the probably unbalanced nks

pls dont say this ever again

don’t worry there’s no reaper

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/best girl Chloe

/best person Arete