FoL 27 - Dead Chat

Instead you might just roll Astromancer

Oh hell yeah

Make kape proud

Make kape proud
Possibly make an error with their passives

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/best girl katze


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At least arete doesn’t have to worry about rolling strigoi

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i believe you mean strigboi*


Instead arete might roll faction choosing alchemist
Or senex :^)

/best Pokèmon katze


arete: “i think ill win best girl unless someone reveals as IC”
katze: “vote me vote me vote me”


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i love how you had the only male/female character in that game, kat

truly fitting

mfw sylveon has a much higher chance to be male than female

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it worked out for my neut FPS anyway

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Also Ami might like my game
It has senex in it :^)

Even if the color I gave it makes me want to commit die

Is it the same senex?

Yeah it’s the same senex
But now the color is a purple that hurts to look at in dark mode

:eyes: show me the purple


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Oh fuck okay
Yeah i can see why it makes you want to commit die

great color