FoL 27 - Dead Chat

No, that’s wrong!

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Jgoes is Jgone

Jgoes J-goes away


Jgoes is Jhost

So I’d suggest you stop that.

what are you gonna do about it :eyes:

I’ll modkill Chloe.

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that’d be pretty funny

idk if she’d forgive me but it might save her some stress

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Or I could modconfirm you as a nerd.

but that’d be bastard since its untrue

But everybody will think you’re a nerd.

the host isnt supposed to lie :newspaper_roll:

If they lynch Vulgard I can tell him how annoyed I am that he partially caused your death :eyes:

Were the hosts really that sad :eyes:

Cause I mean

27 is my favorite number so getting the neut I probably wanted the least (but would help my wolfgame the most) and dying N1 on FoL27 is pretty sad

But also kinda hilarious

Cmon vulgod

Out your logs so people can put 2 and 2 together

Or so he can :upside_down_face:

I want at least one BD to root for since marshal is committing die

I love Vulgard

Also this comes off as depressing because it’s not in all caps

Time to sleep and wake up to a dead vulgard :frowning:

kill me

But they already did

i mean irl

I know

imagine willfully mislynching because lolBounty

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