FoL 27 - Dead Chat

hopefully my sister isnt a dummy

She might also just rely on seth occing alice then reap seth

seths made it clear hes not gonna do that probably

but i think theres a high chance chloe kills seth or alice (maybe marshal)

Marshal dies anyway since squid moved him away from the heal

thats gamer

if alice doesnt die today/tonight then i think unseen kinda just win

tavernkeep!MM is so good

Chloe can still win if alice dies but she has to pull some shenanigans

i believe in her

but i think its pretty unlikely

If Vulgard goes into N4 as Sage it’s all over

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from an objective standpoint the unseen are just kinda stomping

i think Prince needs day-occ immunity if the MM changes stay as they are

2 nights of no prince jail (assa+MM) in a game that rarely lasts 4 nights is absurd


the funny thing is

Nappy getting King means that if Alice dies Unseen can’t kill tonight

now come seduce me away from daddy zen arete

Although Nappy is doing his best to ensure that doesn’t happen

It’s supposed to have it ever since FoL 20

it just … never got changed

how likely do you think it is that alice dies today, no unseen kills happen

and then nobody realizes its EK :^)

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why didnt it change after looming threat

its not like it was impossible in fol just unlikely

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I think Chloe is likely to shoot for Unseen tonight because she’s mad at Alice for outing her

the issue there is that last I heard she thinks the team is Evo/Alice/Vulgard

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EVOs phys claim won’t help him either

i think if chloe realizes alice is assassin then he should know vulgard is NEVER unseen here

and the MM doesnt matter tonight

I don’t think anyone realized napoleon is aristocrat atm