FoL 27 - Dead Chat

…is this a thing?

or is italy dumb @arete

…i may have ran fol26 wrong :eyes:

as far as I can tell based on previous precedent, the Prince is not informed of whether their jail is successful

i uh

huh, good to know.

thats dumb


surely a prince would notice their jailcell is empty

but i guess reduced feedback means “lol prince is also blind” :eyes:

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I mean investigatives cannot tell the difference between someone being stuck in a jail cell and literally burning alive



yeah that’s fair

The people in this court are all fucking blind

No wonder

That’s why in most games the scum faction is Unseen :upside_down_face:

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bad joke

I mean you’re objectively wrong, but okay.

I know you’re right but it came off as a joke

And it was a bad one :eyes:

It was a good joke.

The best jokes are based on the truth.

no stop

Anerd liked it so you’re wrong.

well they’re anerd

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Yes, so they’re right.

but they liked my last post

Which was refuting yours

No, that was just a general statement about them being a nerd.

okay but


anerd likes me more

also wow that was a really predictable top 3

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okay but like 150 of those are from that time when I spamliked every post you made in the cookie thread