FoL 27 - Dead Chat


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Chloe would have had a far better shot at winning if alice hadnā€™t shanked katze N1


Because I asked her if she wanted to be added (Iā€™ve been checking with everyone, since some people donā€™t like being added to spoiled dead chats) and she didnā€™t want to be

Wait you did?

How did I miss that?

you didnā€™t see it because I did it in Discord DM, since she didnā€™t have a rolecard

Yeah, that makes snese.

Why didnt she want to join

Also possed thinks marshal is assassin

the best meme would be if SnakeEater decided to shoot Chloe


Nooo! Not the poor NK!

Would be funny if snake shot vulgard or something

Totally unrelated question but have you ever made a setup, Arete?


Whatā€™s so :eyes: about that?

thatā€™s not why it would be a good meme

look at Marshalā€™s night action

Iv made a setup before!

Is it time

Iā€™ve played around with a couple smaller set-ups and I have an incomplete larger set-up that I was working on with Wazza and Emilia

It hasnt been reviewed but it exists (also by I I mean me and marshal)

i mean when i died n1 i knew for a fact it was either chloe or alice who did it (for obvious reasons on both of them)

but yes, if i lived N1 chloe would have known 100% i was a scorned if things went to plan, and hopefully i could have figured out she was the NK

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