FoL 27 - Dead Chat

Yeah BD defo wins here
And I don’t think they deserve it

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i deserve to win


Katze lost because a CW happened to target the towncore assassin who happened to target katze



i mean really its not that surprising, like i said earlier; when i died n1 i knew it was one of two people :upside_down_face:

I think MM changes unironically good but there need to be a few tweaks, especially in regard to transfer and prince being able to be juggled a lot

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I think dynamic of prince jailing themselves isn’t…that bad
Ultimately crosskills canceled out the prince juggling in this game

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There were literally 0 cross kills :eyes:

i mean alice/kat was one technically

Scorned died n1
Alice shot reaper
They proceeded to fuck each other over

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Scorned died partially cuz CW

fun fact

One protective ability has successfully targeted the Prince all game

none of the healers are on him

alice really shouldn’t have outted chloe there with only ek alive

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D: I hope you die a painful death Chloe

They were going for the you don’t mess with me I don’t mess with you maneuver likely since lynching reaper would not have helped them
But didn’t work out

i do!

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absolutely god tier
