FoL 27 - Dead Chat

You had me fooled d1 tbh

ya only got fucked over when the hmm vibes started and ur actions were dummi

The latest Dose on Italy sealed the deal completely

who would win

one townread assassin

or two neutral sisters


none of the above, lol


By the way
You quickhammering yourself means Italy didnā€™t jail anyone

that was probably her plan

italy will have jailed one person this entire game

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Yep that was why i did it

I assumed Possessed had to be Assassin from last nightā€™s mechanics. So I went for the night occ on Dat

Even though I got fucked out of a win I wasnā€™t going to be petty

Buuuut i was wrong

Yeah winning would be difficult cuz unseen lost all KP

I was crossing my fingers that Alice didnā€™t Dose Italy, as it would screw us both over without the KP

But alas

Also the logs fucked me too - but less so

yeah fuck this game omegalul

By the way
Nobody has actually been guarding italy

I kind of hope EK wins it because that would be a nice meme.

i mean at this point heā€™s basically a VT

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technically he canā€™t do better than drawing it unless someone self-votes at 2 players

More like an innocent child

italy was an IC this game

King using the GT made me think I had a chance if I got to final 4

In hindsight, there was no way to get to final 4