FoL 27 - Dead Chat

haha im arete and i suck

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Marshal has been modkilled

He wasā€¦



its not scary mod text though

the thing is i donā€™t even know if EVO replacing out was with malintent, his posts kind of implied that the game was getting to him

Scary modtext has orange background

So many replacements because of emotions

I feel it but

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yeah he did seem pissed

i donā€™t think it was meant to be tactical

but the public replace out was ehh

Fuck dude i wanted to replace out after some certain events happened during the game but like

Whatā€™s up nerds

ive never replaced out but theres been two situations where i got very close

i feel it too

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I now understand why people replace out as nk

Its a shitty thing to do
But fuck the cards are stacked against you


hey derps

I almost replaced out in poisonous but was actually worried it would look like a tactical replace out

Im going to defend emotional replace outs because not enjoying a game and having it make you mad means you should stop playing immediately

a public replace out is bad but like Crichā€™s replace out(emotional, but not public) i think was OK

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If youā€™re overwhelmed or not enjoying the game you should replace out

i almost replaced out of mountainous because of IRL shit andā€¦ one game was really really getting to me but i forgot which

but im never replacing out of a game ever :sunglasses:

How long until king dies

I give it about 2 days tops
Either that or he concedes because he basically canā€™t win

he canā€™t win without someone throwing

he can draw