FoL 27 - Dead Chat

If you can see this, you are dead.

There is no dead interaction by the way

How did I know



I never die n1 but I knew with a one time DI class I’d find a way

Do you want to know how you died

ToS says otherwise.

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It was Chloe’s fault wasn’t it

No actually
An arcane empowered Alice shanked you

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Alice stabbed me n1?

you know what I honestly don’t think that surprises me after recent events

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Man I just wanted to play some FM and now I’m dead :upside_down_face:

gimme spoilers

or don’t idk

I can’t tell how much I wanna read this cause This is depressing

Uh… so do you or do you not want spoilers?

I know how to find out

@discobot fortune do I want spoils

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

Ty mobile sucks and idk how to use this bot

I think you’d be interested in chloe’s class :eyes: