FoL 29 - Deadchat

ftr I didn’t place any bets with the other hosts pre game
I just said setup could go either way
I didn’t imagine it would go this flavor of either way


look i literally am an idiot and somehow forgot they were prince

i hope this becomes a meme

did centuries inoc me


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3 alchs 3 drunks should have been the rand we kept

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Actually PK was under time pressure, so PK may not be an idiot for bleeding Amelia.

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3 alchs 3 drunks was stupid
but funny
but stupid

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i love that i townread centuries for admitting hes not going to do anything

he just seemed so “idgaf” about the game

Cmon PKR, just read

also alch guilty vig is A Thing :tm:

idk how i feel about it

I like it better than Desperadalch which was basically like ‘free untailorable peek + resolve a PoE alch slot’

might be happier with just a normal vig

i’d be happier with delet alch

but thats just me

"I still feel like leaving kat alive is dangerous due to the double check. I have no idea what AT would do but yeah.

I really wish we had a bounty right now."

thats a slip

i liked the stargazer thing where its removed from the pool

you can help clear poe but you are also punished if you get it wrong


a thing I’ve noticed is that people being like ‘but my redcheck could’ve been framed :eyes:’ are almost always scum fakepeeking a villager whereas people being like ‘I’m going to ignore the possibility of a frame because I got a redcheck, you are WOLF WOLF WOLF :joy_cat:’ are villagers with real checks

What PKR is thinking spoilers that may or may not be AI

pkr is a fool

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bro i called it

but i also didnt call it

you fool! you moron!

(speaking to pkr)

ignore the rest of the quote thx


thank you very much

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