FoL 29 - Deadchat

its like
but really not good

its like alcohol

I played SFoLs and then realized

I donā€™t like these

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conversion is a thing that exists - and a thing im not sure how i feel about

i like the classes and stuff in fol/sfol
i like the vibe

i like the people, mostly

the only reason iā€™d have for not liking SFoL 62, which is the only one i particiapted in, is
i died n2

and thatā€™s literally it

sameā€¦ they are worse to review

or maybe it was n3 idrk

itā€™s like a 16-20p suuuuper high mech semi-open setup

where social play really does take kind of a backburner

and itā€™s just intensely swingy

I donā€™t even hate conversion I like Ritaul Mafia but this is just such a mega swingy high mech setup and all SFoLs are


ritual mafia is swingy but lower power and the conversion is done in a way that doesnā€™t gamebreakingly make scum lose if they fail

because they canā€™t

and there isnā€™t like 2 3ps and a SK

i mean the whole reason i liked town of salem (the like, game on steam that exists)
is because literally nobody is a villager

villager is the most boring role ever.

so i like literally anything that doesnā€™t have villagers

how do i send more good vibes to kat

VT is like one of my favorite roles

and yes i know that the fast-paced thingamabobber of town of salem is inherintley mech-based because of the fast-paced part

I used to think VT sucked and FoL was supreme FM but then realized ā€œhey this isnā€™t actually fun and VT is actually funā€

but TBH i like that.

social deduction has itā€™s place and itā€™s here

i mean, villager doesnā€™t exactlyā€¦ work in things like town of salem

which i guess is why i have a bias twards no VT

I donā€™t like conversion as a mechanic

I actually enjoy rolemadness games! but I donā€™t like conversion

Ritual Mafia is slightly more okay in that regard because at least you know when someone got converted

i like having some mechanical control over the game

even if its just like
a heal with no feedback

i dont like feeling alone and neked with only a vote
because im not that confident in myself

but playing vanilla games is 100% the road to improving

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I mean I donā€™t like conversion as a mechanic

but I think Ritual Mafia does it well because it sacrifices 1 scum slot for a fresh one, said sacrificed scum slot usually had to have been in towncore anyways, and you know exactly the instant a conversion is happening

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new fol mechanic

A player was converted last night.
