FoL 3: The Bestest One [Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!]

How did he manage to do that. His will was fake af. Why would you watch the King that makes literally no sense.

You are a fool in more ways than one.

@Hippolytus did you even read? She literally admitted guilt lol

That being said, are you sure you targeted me? Posse Comitatus says that the Sheriff’s target will be alerted to their iddntity, but I recieved no such notification.

apparently he is a “master mind” :smiley:

I am proven as well as poisoned. You are not.

Oh yeah, how can you both be poisoned?

-licks icecream and watches this insanity-

Captain u sonnofa gun. I actually trusted you. He claimed poisoned so Physician heals him instead of me ;(

There is no CC so I am more confirmed then you pal.

have any of you considerd alpha might be a fool even for a second? :stuck_out_tongue:

either way orange is to blame :stuck_out_tongue:

Is @izznorski siding with Alfa over me right now? Is this really happening?

Don’t you try that " I trusted you" crap. I am innocent.

im just pondering, who just snithes on themself even before any trial has happen, just wierd to me :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s actually siding with the Sheriff claim, but okay make it so that he’s siding with the “guilty” one


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We shall see if you are inno when Alfa dies, Hip. Either way, I am cold-sterling you, mastermind.

are you the top dog or the puppet?hehe

I have a question.
Were you all brainwashed by masterminds or are you just brainless

Alfa admits to being assasin
Doubts orange

I think orangeandblack is NK. Captain, Mole, and Alfa are BR?

Captain, you are not Poisoned as I am. I did trust you as Mole said he was intimidated. However, you clearly aren’tk night as you are lying. Therefore, Mole was never intimidated and he is also BR.

Mole and Captain literally are confirmed BD

WTF are you on rn