FoL 3: The Bestest One [Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!]

@Nerbins without expressly stating it, I assume you got my hardclaim?

I’m clueless about what orange’s saying, but okay.

Does it have to do with eyes?

Just gonna go with /vote Hippo since it seems rather reasonable.


Where have you been?

Just watching. I haven’t had much to contribute.


My bad.

Orange, I’m stumped on your hard claim, if it’s not observer. Also, Dead, it’s fine.

Well, no wifi for a while. Ciao.

I would like to take a moment to point out that we have a confirmed Knight and a Neutral King.

That is all.

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I said not to say it out loud lol

Polik pushing the good plays

OMG I WAS RIGHT? JK, I’m wrong.

No seriously

Read the first letter of each paragraph in descending order

Barely hidden

(I’m trying to cover for you, Orange.)

OSRE? Huh?

It has all the letters of the class that you are and nobody else besides knows, but still kinda obscure.