FoL 30 - Dead Chat

NK not attacking? That’s a risky move

Ohh I see, interesting. Then they’ll know it’s not seth since he HH’d

Probably yeh…

I swear, if we actually pull out a win here I’m going to use this as my main account.

Who are you anyways

me :slight_smile:

take a guess

you are katze

I think I’ve accidentally been entirely too obvious, but perhaps not.


Yes, I am katze the second.

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Nice guess, close but no cigar.

Arete uhh
Those are my guesses frick

yes paradox is arete

You got me, damn.

This doesn’t remind me of Estel you’re lying

it was sarcasm
Those are good guesses, suppose you’ll have to wait to post-game to find out.


I need to know

Any more guesses?
i’m actually alice and rune is arete

I give up