FoL 30 - Dead Chat

Town will lose to lolf4wincon


Ah, I’d forgotten thank you.

so if they hunt down the NK, realize that Seth isn’t the NK (but there wasn’t kills), look at NK suspects, and the HH Seth they win

o wait that won’t work since the attack kills visitors

Actually there is a way Seth can dodge this

It is if he bleeds someone and outs himself as assassin

Wait, how so?

it would last him 1 night before he gets yeeted

but how does that help Seth win?

Well it doesn’t, but it can possibly deny NK win.

And an f in the chat for Unseen.

Gg nk? Right?

I haven’t read the Demon card enough to know if PKR can guard against it.

No they can bypass D1 I’m almost certain

It seems so lmao.

one of you nerds publicize this
