[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Why would a CL claim princess? I’m confused.

A.K.A Reaper

I checked dat because there was talk earlier about him fluffing a post with quotes to seen helpful. And they havent been active since

To be honest, there is a lot of rather hedgy reads here, which could really go any way, so not sure how much we can gain from this post.

Townreads Kai and Arete, doesn’t like Soul and Dat, weird inconclusive read on htm.

I do think Kape is not in a team with Alice though, as she tried to switch the lynch from Magnus to them.

CL is special right? So itd fit s/i

Princess is not one of the classic fake claims for a Cult Leader in FoL, because Cult Alts exist

I checked him as I suspected that his invest soft was to set up a false redcheck. That’s what I suspected tbh. I didn’t know if it was cult or scorned trying to set up a ML

Alice is definitely not defiled if you look closely.

Maybe the bleed was actually real and had a purpose of casting suspicion on inexperienced players. Also could be used to pocket Priestess if they thought she was GK. Strange plan, but idk.

I see, I really dont know how cult alts affect claims

If you suspected Cult trying to set up a mislynch, why use Flirt and not Wisp (which would return the same results for Paladin, Seeker, and CL)?

So cult game did you get healed right priestess?

I was keeping the possibility of scorned in my head. If he returned S/I I would have stayed quiet and wisped him the next night

Well may I want to out potential CL/Reaper?

What do you have?

His name is…


I occupied Possessed.


Best things to discuss today is alice interactions and mag

Mag was likely inactive and used weak arguments so I honestly don’t think the push was that scummy.

Interesting. Why Possessed btw?

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You remember cult needs an acolyte to kill without a sac?
At least I think