[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Back for a second. I can post my list rn, it’ll help figure out some stuff?

In this event, Sog would be confirmed evil.

more confirmed evil than he already is

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Accused Voters Votes
Datbird SogMan 1/8
SogMan Kai_5, Htm 2/8
H_Hja Priestess :crown: 2/8
Suilt Soulshade55r, Possessed, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz 4/8
Currently Abstaining Players DatBird, Kape, AreteSlashStars, H_Hja, Sulit, Frostwolf103, Astand 7/15

Youre so god damn fun you know that

He’s highly likely evil. Fake claiming Paladims in an unseen game is lockevil and not something groupscum would do.

Your theory about Sulit being the Possessor still seems kind of weird to me. My understanding is that a Puppet-stringed target will show as visiting both their original target and the target they’re puppeted to, which makes it weird that Sulit would then proceed to claim a visit despite knowing it’s wrong, unless they were just hoping none of us would realize that.

Fool or scorned?

Maybe even NK if he’s ballsy enough. More likely NE though yeah

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I really think Sulit is Poss in this game, but we still have 2 unconfirmed people running around doing who knows what.

As ive said before, in both cases of me being scum it would be a suicide play. Even I know that.

Kape - redirected Alice to Htm
Arete - Jailed
Kyo - Jailed Arete
Hja - Claimed something to do with Kai/Dat/Sog
Kai - Claimed to Princess Sog
Possessed - Claimed occupied
Sulit - Tracked Alice to Kyo
Frost - Occupied Possessed
Soul - Claimed heal on Priestess
Sogman - Claimed paladin on dat

People who haven’t claimed any action:

Yeah I did that once, didn’t last for long.


i think souls weird actually

it’s not a suicide play if you have dat disguised as cult if your scorned (which what i think he is)

Hja claimed to gossip me (I think)

I claimed drunk redirecting Hja to Frost

hj was redirected to frost


Priestess used Swear Fealty I hear