[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins


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Kai, if you’re the Scorned, you should just out that right now and maybe we can work with you. Otherwise you’re likely to end up lynched before you get your second mark off.

My thoughts exactly, but dat might be more important because he might be cl

wink wink nudge nudge know what i mean say no more say no more

Do you think Dat drops Invoker, CL or some other Cult?

So, uh, that’s a yes? I just want to be sure we’re clear on this.

Invoker and drunk are both offensive, so im leaning invoker

lynch sog, then dat tomorrow and i’ll be out of your hair

/vote Dat

The pain is finally over

…I’m happy to work with you but I’d really prefer to help you get marks on evils rather than on our Paladin.

at this point I’m starting to wonder if I should just reverse all of my reads to make them more accurate

sog will fli

fuck i can’t tupe

Why Datbird now, I’m completely confused

you lynch sog then i mark and evil. Fair trade no?

Lynch dat jail kai, if no nk or cult leads come up

Kai outed as Scorned.
Meaning Sog is legit Pally.
Meaning Dat is checked as Cult.

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Don’t waste a jail on Kai.

And we do kind of have an NK lead on Sulit.

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This ridiculous horse shit is finally over

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lol the plan was ml sog then mark dat then out

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