[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Also funny how priestess has said nothing about the situation

i’m only slightly high rn dw

Yeah and Im only slightly furious

Kai outing yourself was a bad move NGL.

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I didn’t say to jailexe one of the non-claimers, I said to jail them. The execution decision should obviously be made based on what they say in jail.

Also, wanting to lynch Cult isn’t a scummy thing to do. It’s kind of the opposite of that.

I was starting to call out Kai for BS since he defended NK!Sulit.

jail exing confirmed cult is better

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you forget it’s a possible CL

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We really don’t need more sellsword-wincon neuts.

sog wasn’t getting lynched today, and he would likely be the lynch and he would trigger bounty. this i was getting outtef either way

I think what I actually said to do was to have Frostwolf occupy them and then lynch them tomorrow.

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fair, i’m just cackling at how a NE can side BD and win lol

Well theres needs to be like a claiming rule for scorned, if you hint you are scorned or someone is marked its death, its way to easy to just out as scorned right now and win

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Occupy who? bird?

can we talk about how cackle is such a fun word

I mean I assume that’s why they changed it to auto-suicide on victory.

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I think you said that after the first thing but the issue with that is invoker and butler is pretty easy to fake.

Well yeah, but i dont think that was far enough imo

Change win con to Cursed Scorned: See 3 BD Executed.

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i would be down with this as it keeps the ML goal but doesn’t allow siding with BD