[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Just to be sure, can you claim Evil King to test it?

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wouldnt that mean that inq knows kings aligment

from start

Thanks Hja, Guessing the max is 3 unseen and 4 cult.

as they already start off strong.

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I will state publicly that that is an oversight and edit it now. Starting Kings cannot be heathens.


I can’t even make a meme claim because Inquisitor might stab me for it >: (

I claim Priestess

Per the OP, you’ll only get stabbed if you actually are that specific heathen class, so as long as you don’t meme claim your class you should be fine.

Oh good good I’m knight csing priestess.

For some reason fake claiming might be handy on wasting inqs uses.

Hecking Soul you can’t even CS me, ask your host…

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Nope, Inq doesn’t have limited stabs in this version.

His abilities have infinite uses…

I know :C

Comeon I know I’m bad a reading but give me a break

I meant wasting his day but that’s the same thing

Soul which of the random scum classes do you think spawned?

well not really

Ugh, Soul, you know that you doomed yourself in case that there’s an Inquisitor with a Knight as target?

Soulcatcher obviously