[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Other than the king over sight I dont see a problem with who can be targets

Y’know, I don’t think we’ll ever stop mass-claims here, tbh.


Btw before I finally go slumber, want to thank everyone for a really nice game. It’s good to see new faces that are passionate to play and this was called experimental for a reason.


Just modkill anyone who claims before D3, easy


(This is a joke)

U were a great host ty. Thank you @Maxwell and @Blizer also for being great


“Kill target player bypassing everything”

Eh… what??

Just delete him from the game.

No we need him, its the last bit of Meteoros pfp we have left

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@Arete you needed to kill scum here. Sad to see you lose :frowning:

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Nks will prob never win

Just wait for me to roll one :point_right::sunglasses::point_right:

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Cant wait

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Gonna take some time. First I would like to be starting scumteam.

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For me to roll one or prince or king or anything non scum for a bit

did you like the noble claim

I actually want to role scum

I’ve only been town or neutral on here

i guess its time

Kai’s Funeral.

It really has been a pleasure being here for the summer. I’ve shared so many great moments and connected with so many great people.
I think its time i acknowledge a few people.


Ahh Arete. My forever null read. You are a blessing for the FoL which i cannot state enough. You bring a sense of passion and energy to each game i see you play. Keep playing


You are honestly one of my favorite people on this forum. Funny, laid backing, serious when needed. I honestly look up to you a lot ngl. Keep on being you, cause you are amazing


This is addressed to both of you.
Every time I see y’all play it usually ends up being a very fun and enjoyable match. Your jokes are amazing and they always bring a smile to my face.

This reason this post exists is that i’m offically retiring (i guess) from FoL. After 2 good years of playing, laughing, raging, and making amazing friends I believe its time for me to hang up the gloves (that the right metaphor?) and stop playing. My junior year of HS is coming up and it’s extremly important in determining wether I am even able to get in college. I’ll still be around to host rps and shit like that. However I don’t have the time to dedicate what I would like to an FoL/FM game.

Tata everyone and remember.
Stay wavy :ocean:



Didn’t really buy it, sorry.

Arete actually could have deduced that Cult had devout king and numbers, since he was the NK and only Cult coult have killed Alice, since no BD killer came forward with that, meaning disguise was used, meaning Priestess was lying.

I guess going for the Prince is a tempting prospect though (although they trusted you as they didn’t jail you N2 too. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Other on who to side with at what time, Arete played great at staying out of the lynch however.

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