[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I also bewildered (thinks that the name) you

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even if kyo was on he couldn’t have moved the jail off you

So things I learned from this game is:
-don’t be an idiot
-don’t push my dumb ideas
-don’t convince yourself of something


Well, I played it low effort in thread, but mechanically I think we were on top pretty much.

Too lazy to give feedback about the setup, sorry.

Think of it like this though: If you go with your gut and miss, you lose executes and you kill an important piece. In this case you’d have died anyway, but there’s a reason we save outted scum for jail-exes and lynches for likely scum. Had you survived you’d be useless anyway for killing a BD.

Well no ur wrong u do all of that but have a grain of salt in ur hand to remind you that not everything u say is right and others can be. Just open ur heart and listen and u can combine ur reads with others

Tbh, in dead chat I kind of thought you may have a chance of flipping Cultist for immediately thinking I was defiled.

U were a great scum lead

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Yeah Solid told me so I’d be dead anyway lol

And don’t claim for no reason lol.

also i would keep inquis and drop no logs and d1 lynch (as much as i love d1 lynch)

sulit: why does everything hate me?

I understand but in the event you were Cult Leader it would have been extremely optimal for BD. Which is why I decided to execute you. Hit or miss.

If not for the quicklynch on Sulit, I think me claiming wouldn’t make that big of a difference.

Yeah that’s where I’m at. Inq sounds great. Day 1 lunches were great but against flavor, and logs were fine without but also against flavor


plus we can delay the massclaim by a day or two if inquis remains

Yes, neuts plz dont both out instantly that way we can have a harder game. Plz ty

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i thought arete was noble so lynching sog was going to out me

Never gamble as Prince. If you have info that is inconclusive to prove your jail is scum, you kill. If you don’t…you just jail. Its rarely worth the risk, unlike in ToL where Princes are encouraged to yoloexe

i took the claim as legit yet didn’t tr them.