[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I’d argue that the Inquisitor should also be able to kill heathens they’ve found via Interrogate. It’s not like the heathen CL is going to claim CL.

There’s no conversion n1 as well, though.

No, go play the court and go full old Scorned on them. None of the non unique BD are confirmable beyond doubt and scum should be “easy” to lynch.

If it proves to be too weak, that would probably be the first thing I’d add though. :wink:

was gonna ask how heathens spawn but saw this

If this is ever added to FOL which I hope it will, This should be included in the ability description I hope

So does softing count, or does the person have to directly say I am X


Will be handled on a case by case basis. If I can tie down your class uniquely from your posts and they are added in the ability it counts. It can be clarified post game whether guidelines should/can be made for it. Claimvigs inherently introduce host interpretation unfortunately.


If someone claims to be a starting Heathen class, and is a Heathen, but is a Heathen of a different class than the one they claimed, does it still work? For instance, if you have a heathen Princess, Paladin, and CL, and someone claims Paladin but is the heathen Princess or the heathen CL, will your stab still go through?

@Emilia are you sik?


So like if its if you pick up on it, not if the inquistor picks up on it? Like if I the inq found something that would say fit a description of a player softing a killer class and I needed to kill a knight, and pointed out the soft to you and went for it even if I didnt know if they were my heathen. ANd they happen to be the knight heathen I was looking for do I get the kill?

What if they are converted, how does that play out?

No, it shouldn’t. I’ll clarify that. Thanks for thinking with me. ^^

Which is why you should always fake-claim as BD now.

Sounds fun :roll_eyes:

Ideally you just don’t claim

or say role types like killer instead of knight

What if someone meme claims Cult Leader and you have a heathen CL? Will you be able to stab them as Inq?

/nobody expects the spanish inquisition (aka /in)

Ideally you make others claim

No it has to be the right people