[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I can’t defend anyone put myself anyway because no one else that I can really defend.

Unless I just defend people for weak arguments to seem like a good little townie.

I’m eating lunch one second

(Only because theres not much going on other then people thinking I’m scum).

If you can please read through some ISOS, mine, kai, Arete and priestess.

of course if you already have then that’s fine.

but enjoy your lunch


I love meme softing…

(Okay, Ill actually continue to read the thread more)

I agree with everything in this ;D

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Neutral-hunting could actually be scum trying to distract us tbh and pretend to be townie contributors.

I’m still reading the rest though

All of this is reminding me of Soulshade in one of the FoL 19 iterations, where he was NK and caught pretty soon as scum, iirc.

How is it reminding you of that?

I think it was more sarcastic/joking

Idk though

I remember when I first rejoined the forums, that Priestess in SFoL 48 voted herself and she was town.

It could be a meme to that or idk then.

This was mostly to get the discussion off me, because Soul really wasted a lot of time on omgus pushing me. My slot will not be solved today. We can’t risk that. If I would be EK, I should be poisoned D2, that would be the right move for us.

I’m really seldom memeing, it’s better to take everything I say as if it wouldn’t be a meme.

What the fuk priestess I was princess in FOL 19 and drunk in 19.5

I mean we could ask a mod if the unofficial VC was wrong at the time, so I personally don’t think Priestess would do this tbh.

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More of a jab at priestess I did mention it above.

Well I’m here now

(blame inactivity on sleeping)

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What do you feel about kai personally

My question! :eyes:

While this could be OMGUS under disguise, I don’t think it is, he gave some reasons to vote Kai.